Archives May 2023

The Trinity 1945 UFO Hoax: A Historical Examination

The Trinity 1945 UFO Hoax: A Historical Examination

The Trinity 1945 UFO Hoax: A Historical Examination

A recent article explores the alleged TRINITY UFO Crash Retrieval Case and raises concerns about its credibility and lack of evidence. The investigation, conducted by a former member of the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) and a retired police sergeant, focused on claims made by Paola Harris about noxious weeds planted at the crash site. However, the investigation was limited, and the team was not allowed to examine the claims made by witness Jose Padilla regarding a fragment from the crashed spacecraft.

Plant identification experts examined samples from the alleged crash site and found that the identified plants were common southwest plants, not genetically engineered or deliberately planted. Despite this, Harris disputed the findings and suggested flaws in

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Unveiling Vallee's Trinity: A Revealing Insight into a Hidden Gem

Unveiling Vallee’s Trinity: A Revealing Insight into a Hidden Gem

“Trinity: The Best Kept Secret” by Jacques Vallee has been criticized by renowned UFO researcher Kevin Randle for its lack of credibility and poor research. Randle’s thorough analysis exposes the book’s flaws and lack of corroboration. However, Douglas Dean Johnson has stepped in to conduct the research that Vallee should have done, debunking the alleged UFO crash and discrediting Vallee’s work. Johnson’s comprehensive examination of the narrative can be found on his website. The sloppy

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