European Space Agency (ESA) Successfully Deploys Groundbreaking Metal 3D Printer Aboard International Space Station (ISS)

Metal 3D Printing Takes a Leap into Orbit

In a groundbreaking development for space exploration, a Metal 3D printer is set to be installed and tested aboard the International Space Station (ISS). This marks the first occasion of metal 3D printing taking place in orbit. The printer, weighing approximately 180 kg, was launched as part of the Cygnus NG-20 resupply mission and will be installed by ESA astronaut Andreas Mogensen in the European Draw Rack Mark II in ESA’s Columbus module. Once installed, the printer will be controlled remotely from Earth to enable printing without direct oversight.

The Metal 3D Printer technology demonstrator has been developed through a collaboration between the European Space Agency (ESA) and Airbus Defence and Space SAS, who also co-funded the project. The objective of this demonstration is to showcase the potential of metal 3D printing in space and, if successful, pave the way for manufacturing more complex metallic structures in space. This advancement is important for securing future exploration of the Moon and Mars.

The metal used in the printer is a type of stainless steel commonly employed in medical implants and water treatment due to its excellent resistance to corrosion. A high-power laser heats the stainless-steel wire, which is fed into the printing area. As the wire melts and is added to the print, the printer builds up the desired object layer by layer. The print process takes place within a fully sealed box to prevent excess heat or fumes from reaching the crew of the Space Station. Additionally, the printer’s internal oxygen atmosphere is vented to space before printing to avoid oxidization of the hot stainless steel.

To evaluate the performance of the Metal 3D printer in space, four unique shapes have been chosen for printing. These shapes will be compared to reference prints created on Earth to examine how the space environment affects the printing process. Each print weighs less than 250 g and has dimensions smaller than a soda can. Printing is limited to four hours daily due to noise regulations on the Space Station. After each print, Andreas will pack the object for safe return to Earth for processing and analysis. One of the prints will be examined at the European Astronaut Centre (EAC) in Germany, while two others will be sent to the European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC) for macro and micro analysis. The final print will be investigated for its thermal properties at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU).

The successful implementation of metal 3D printing in space has significant implications for future space exploration and resource utilization. ESA aims to establish a circular space economy by recycling materials in orbit, enabling the repurposing of old satellites into new tools or structures. The use of a 3D printer in space eliminates the need to transport pre-manufactured tools or parts from Earth and allows astronauts to produce what they need on demand. This technology opens doors for in-orbit large infrastructure manufacturing, assembly, and potentially even recycling of space structures, supporting long-term human settlement on other planets.

ESA’s commitment to developing and implementing metal 3D printing technology in space is aligned with its goals for future advancements in space exploration and sustainability. The successful demonstration of this processing capability in microgravity is an important step toward manufacturing infrastructure beyond Earth’s confines. Initiatives focused on technology cross-cutting and pushing the boundaries of exploration and innovation will benefit from the knowledge gained through this groundbreaking endeavor.

In conclusion, metal 3D printing in space represents a significant leap forward in manufacturing capabilities for the space industry. By successfully printing metal parts in orbit, scientists and engineers bring us one step closer to realizing the potential of in-space manufacturing and assembly. This groundbreaking achievement not only enables more complex structures to be manufactured in space but also supports long-term human settlement on other celestial bodies. As technology continues to advance, we can look forward to further developments in the exploration and utilization of space resources.