European Group Gets 15M Euros for Inflatable Heat Shield

In the first phase of the ICARUS project, the consortium will focus on completing the mission and system design, as well as maturing key technologies on the ground. This critical stage will lay the foundation for the subsequent phases, ensuring that the inflatable heat shield (IHS) system meets the stringent requirements for successful deployment and operation.

One of the primary objectives during this phase is to refine the aeroshape definition of the IHS. The team at the French Aerospace Research Centre (ONERA) will leverage their expertise in aerothermodynamic characterization to optimize the shape and performance of the inflatable structure. This will involve extensive simulations and modeling to understand the intricate aerodynamic and thermal dynamics that the IHS will encounter during re-entry.

Parallel to the aeroshape design, the Italian Aerospace Research Centre (CIRA) will spearhead the development of the vehicle’s thermal protection system. This critical component will safeguard the IHS and its payload from the extreme heat generated during atmospheric re-entry. Advanced materials and innovative design approaches will be explored to ensure the system’s resilience under the intense conditions it will face.

Another crucial aspect of the technology development phase is the design and testing of the inflation system. HDES Service and Engineering, based in the Netherlands, will contribute their expertise in this area, ensuring that the IHS can be reliably and efficiently inflated once deployed. This involves intricate mechanisms and control systems that must function flawlessly in the harsh environment of space.

To further enhance the system’s capabilities, the consortium will integrate innovative health monitoring sensors developed by Pangaia Grado Zero (Italy) and Demcon Advanced Mechatronics (The Netherlands). These sensors will provide real-time data on the structural integrity and performance of the IHS, enabling mission controllers to make informed decisions and ensure the safety of the system throughout its operation.

Throughout this phase, the consortium will collaborate closely, using the diverse expertise and capabilities of each partner organization. Ground-based testing and simulations will be conducted to validate the designs and technologies, laying the groundwork for the subsequent flight test campaign.

With the groundwork laid during the design and technology development phase, the ICARUS consortium will embark on an ambitious flight test campaign. This critical stage will serve as the ultimate validation of the inflatable heat shield (IHS) system, demonstrating its capability to withstand the extreme conditions of atmospheric re-entry.

The flight test will be conducted using a sounding rocket, which will propel the IHS demonstrator to the desired altitude and velocity, simulating the conditions of an actual re-entry scenario. The German Aerospace Center (DLR-MORABA and DLR AS-HYP) will play a pivotal role in executing this challenging launch campaign, drawing upon their extensive experience in flight testing and vehicle health monitoring.

Prior to the flight test, the consortium will conduct a series of wind tunnel tests to further refine the aeroshape and aerodynamic characteristics of the IHS. These tests, conducted at ONERA’s world-class facilities, will provide valuable data on the behavior of the inflatable structure under hypersonic conditions, allowing for final adjustments and optimizations.

During the flight test, the IHS demonstrator, initially housed within the sounding rocket, will be ejected and inflated to its full size, approximately 3 meters in diameter. This critical moment will put the inflation system, designed by HDES Service and Engineering, to the ultimate test, as it must rapidly and reliably inflate the structure in the harsh environment of near-space.

As the inflated IHS plummets through the atmosphere, the innovative health monitoring sensors developed by Pangaia Grado Zero and Demcon Advanced Mechatronics will provide real-time data on the structural integrity and performance of the system. This invaluable information will be closely monitored by the team, enabling them to assess the effectiveness of the thermal protection system developed by CIRA and validate the aerothermodynamic simulations conducted earlier.

In the aftermath of the flight test, the consortium will meticulously analyze the data collected, comparing it to their simulations and ground-based tests. This post-flight analysis will be crucial in understanding the behavior of the IHS under real-world conditions, evaluating the performance of the various technologies involved, and verifying the accuracy of the simulation models used during the design phase.

The successful execution of this flight test campaign will mark a significant milestone in the development of inflatable heat shields for re-entry applications. The data and insights gained from this ambitious endeavor will pave the way for future advancements, bringing the consortium one step closer to realizing the potential of this game-changing technology for recovering rocket stages, protecting cargo during re-entry, and enabling future Mars missions.