Goodnight Cluster great finale to groundbreaking mission

Goodnight Cluster great finale to groundbreaking mission

The first satellite of ESA’s Cluster quartet, lovingly dubbed ‘Salsa,’ made history by executing a targeted reentry into Earth’s atmosphere, a feat that defied convention and marked a wondrous conclusion to its two-decade-long mission. At 20:47 CEST on September 8, 2024, Salsa gracefully reentered over the South Pacific Ocean, a strategic choice that minimized any […]

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Blue Origin’s Mars Aspirations Hit Major Setback

Blue Origin’s Mars Aspirations Hit Major Setback

In a striking turn of events within the cosmic arena, Blue Origin, founded by the ambitious Jeff Bezos, finds itself stumbling on a mighty step towards the Red Planet. Originally poised to revolutionize our journey to Mars, Blue Origin faced unprecedented delays in its ambitions to launch the Escapade mission, aiming to explore the Martian […]

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Hubble and MAVEN team up to reveal Mars’ water loss

Hubble and MAVEN team up to reveal Mars’ water loss

Mars, a planet that once thrived with water, now carries the remnants of its aqueous past in the form of atmospheric hydrogen and deuterium. These two isotopes of hydrogen serve as crucial indicators in deciphering the story of water loss on the Red Planet. In a groundbreaking study led by John Clarke from the Center […]

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Starliner Calypso Returns to Earth After Undocking Without CFT Crew

Starliner Calypso Returns to Earth After Undocking Without CFT Crew

The Boeing Starliner Calypso has made history with its autonomous undocking and descent sequence, marking a significant step in its development as a crew-capable spacecraft. The undocking from the International Space Station (ISS) took place on September 6, 2024, at precisely 6:04 PM EDT (22:04 UTC), following a successful three-month mission that provided crucial data […]

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Catch Saturn at opposition

Catch Saturn at opposition

On September 8, 2024, Saturn will reach its spectacular opposition, a moment that every astronomy enthusiast looks forward to. At this time, the planet will be positioned directly opposite the Sun from our viewpoint on Earth, making it particularly bright and easy to observe. During opposition, Saturn will be about 1.295 million kilometers (approximately 8.658 […]

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Explore your curiosity for space at ESA Open Days 2024

Explore your curiosity for space at ESA Open Days 2024

In the coming weeks, the European Space Agency (ESA) is set to welcome thousands of curious minds eager to explore the wonders of space. With a series of Open Days lined up in different locations, attendees can immerse themselves in an array of engaging activities. The events kick off with the ESA HQ Open Day […]

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Catch Mercury in its morning glory

Catch Mercury in its morning glory

To truly appreciate the fleeting beauty of Mercury during its morning apparition, the conditions under which you observe it can significantly amplify your interaction. Clear skies are paramount; thus, a check of the local weather forecast should be your first step. Look for mornings devoid of clouds, fog, and haze, as these can obscure your […]

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Celestial Treasures of Cygnus

Celestial Treasures of Cygnus

The enchanting region of Cygnus, with its myriad of celestial treasures, presents a perfect playground for amateur astronomers and seasoned stargazers alike. As the summer nights roll in, Messier 29 and Messier 39 shine brightly against the backdrop of the Milky Way, beckoning observers to take a closer look. Armed with a simple pair of […]

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Moon and Pleiades: A Celestial Encounter

Moon and Pleiades: A Celestial Encounter

The celestial dance between our Moon and the Pleiades, also known as the Seven Sisters, is an event that captures the imagination of stargazers and casual observers alike. As we embark on this astronomical journey, it is essential to appreciate not only the beauty of the Pleiades open cluster but also the unique position of […]

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Exploring the Wild Duck Cluster

Exploring the Wild Duck Cluster

The Wild Duck Cluster, known scientifically as Messier 11 and cataloged as NGC 6705, is a breathtaking assemblage of stellar beauty that captivates astronomers and skywatchers alike. Nestled within the constellation Scutum, this open cluster enchants with its rich density of stars, earning it the affectionate nickname for its resemblance to a flock of wild […]

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