Testing the durability of Mars lander legs by engineers

Testing the durability of Mars lander legs by engineers

Engineers at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California are putting the legs and footpads of the Sample Retrieval Lander to the test. This lander is being designed to bring rock core samples collected by NASA’s Perseverance rover back to Earth as part of the Mars Sample Return campaign. The lander will be the largest […]

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The Inaugural Geosynchronous Orbit SAR Satellite Successfully Enters Operational Orbit

The Inaugural Geosynchronous Orbit SAR Satellite Successfully Enters Operational Orbit

China has made a significant breakthrough in space technology with the successful deployment of the world’s first geosynchronous synthetic aperture radar (SAR) satellite. The L-SAR4 01 satellite, launched on August 13, has entered its working orbit and its SAR antenna has been successfully deployed, according to the China National Space Administration (CNSA). SAR technology uses […]

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Artemis III SLS Launch: Final ICPS Arrives in Florida

Artemis III SLS Launch: Final ICPS Arrives in Florida

United Launch Alliance (ULA) has delivered the last-ever Space Launch System (SLS) Interim Cryogenic Propulsion Stage (ICPS) from its Decatur, Alabama, factory to Cape Canaveral Space Force Station (CCSFS) for eventual use on the Artemis III lunar landing mission. ICPS-3 is also the last Delta hardware to leave Decatur and will support NASA’s third and […]

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