Exploring the Spectacular Adventures of Ice and Fire

Rosemary Coogan, a candidate for the European Space Agency (ESA) astronaut program, recently completed winter survival training in the snowy mountains of the Spanish Pyrenees. This training is an important component of the basic astronaut training program as it prepares candidates for the possibility of a spacecraft landing in remote or unexpected locations.

During the winter survival training course, Coogan and her fellow candidates engaged in a range of activities aimed at developing essential survival skills. These included learning how to create fires in the wilderness, effectively manage cold-related injuries and hypothermia, construct makeshift stretchers, build snow shelters, and endure nights in sub-zero temperatures.

In addition to these practical skills, the candidates also practiced navigating without relying on electronic devices like GPS, communicating efficiently during emergencies, signaling for rescue, and preparing for potential helicopter rescue. This comprehensive training ensures that the astronauts are well-prepared for any challenges they may face in unknown environments.

The winter survival training also provided an opportunity for the candidates to develop leadership and teamwork capabilities. They rotated through various roles within simulated scenarios, guided by instructors who created challenging situations that tested their abilities to work together effectively.

Reflecting on her experience, Coogan said, “It was a really special experience – learning skills that may help us survive one day, with a strong emphasis on teamwork. We got to know how we react in difficult situations we’ve never encountered before and bonded as a group.”

Coogan was joined by other ESA astronaut candidates Sophie Adenot, Pablo Álvarez Fernández, Raphaël Liégeois, and Marco Sieber, as well as John McFall from the ESA reserve and Katherine Bennell-Pegg from the Australian Space Agency. All of these candidates are currently undergoing basic astronaut training and familiarization primarily conducted at the ESA’s European Astronaut Centre (EAC) in Cologne, Germany.

The one-year training program provides a comprehensive understanding of various areas related to space exploration. This includes spacecraft systems, spacewalking, flight engineering, robotics, and life support systems. Candidates also undergo survival and medical training before receiving ESA astronaut certification in the spring of this year.

Once certified, these candidates will progress to the next phases of pre-assignment and mission-specific training. This will pave the way for future missions to the International Space Station and beyond, furthering humanity’s exploration of space.

The winter survival training in the Spanish Pyrenees not only equipped these astronaut candidates with essential skills for survival in extreme conditions but also fostered teamwork and leadership abilities. With their certification on the horizon, the candidates are poised to embark on exciting missions that will contribute to the advancement of space exploration.