Further Details on Whistleblower Grusch’s Revelations Regarding UFO Crashes

In recent weeks, there have been reports circulating about the US government possessing alien craft and bodies. However, these claims are not new. Kevin Randle, a former intelligence officer and decorated veteran, shares his own experiences in researching the Roswell incident and the recovery of extraterrestrial craft.

Randle begins by discussing David Grusch, who has been sharing information from unidentified sources about captured alien craft and bodies. Randle highlights that Grusch had not testified before a senate committee but had met with senators’ staffs and members of the House. Randle also mentions the body language analyses conducted on Grusch and notes that there were no significant indications of lying, but some hints of discomfort.

Randle then introduces his own encounters with military officers who had knowledge of UFOs, crash retrievals, and the recovery of alien flight crews. He mentions Brigadier Arthur Exon, who confirmed the material from the Roswell crash being taken to Wright Field (now Wright-Patterson Air Force Base). Exon also mentioned the presence of bodies found outside the craft in fairly good condition. Randle emphasizes that Exon acknowledged the recovery of a non-human craft and non-human pilots.

Another individual Randle mentions is Chester Lytle, who had a distinguished career and was a colleague of William Blanchard, the commanding officer in Roswell in 1947. Lytle revealed to Robert Hastings that Blanchard had informed him about a spacecraft crash near his base, with four bodies recovered. Randle quotes Hastings’ book, where Lytle emphatically states that Blanchard confirmed the Roswell object as an alien spacecraft.

Randle also refers to Patrick Saunders, the adjutant at the Roswell Army Air Field in 1947, who wrote in books about altered files, personal records, and silence surrounding the events for almost forty-five years. Edwin Easley, the Provost Marshal in Roswell, confirmed being sworn to secrecy and mentioned “the creatures” to family members before his death.

Randle expresses his frustration with the main street media treating these recent reports as something new when he and Don Schmitt had published books in the early 1990s with names, sources, and documentation confirming the existence of recovered craft and bodies. Randle further asserts that his research and subsequent books, “Roswell in the 21st Century” and “Understanding Roswell,” provide comprehensive information on the case. He dismisses the Mogul explanation for the debris recovered, suggesting that interested individuals consult his books for evidence supporting the extraterrestrial nature of the Roswell incident.

In conclusion, Randle highlights his own credentials as an Army and Air Force intelligence officer, serving in Iraq and receiving decorations for his service. He asserts that the evidence overlooked for decades is available for those willing to explore the Roswell case.

Overall, Randle’s article presents a compelling argument based on personal experiences and interviews with credible sources. It sheds light on the long-standing claims of recovered alien craft and bodies, emphasizing that these recent reports are not new but rather a resurgence of information already known to researchers like Randle and Schmitt.