Introduction to the EarthCARE Team: Get to Know the People behind the Project

ESA’s EarthCARE mission, set to launch soon, aims to deepen our understanding of the complex interactions between clouds, aerosols, and radiation in Earth’s atmosphere. As the world grapples with the escalating climate crisis, this mission comes at a critical time and will contribute significantly to improved climate models.

EarthCARE is the largest and most intricate Earth Explorer mission undertaken by the European Space Agency (ESA). In collaboration with the Japanese Space Agency (JAXA), the mission combines the expertise and resources of both organizations. This joint effort highlights a global commitment to addressing climate change and advancing scientific understanding.

To shed light on the mission’s objectives, several scientists, engineers, and experts share their insights. Pavlos Kollias from Stony Brook University – McGill University explains the significance of the mission, emphasizing how it will enhance our knowledge of cloud convection and its impact on Earth’s radiation budget. Thorsten Fehr, EarthCARE Mission Scientist at ESA, highlights EarthCARE’s critical role in advancing global climate models with finer resolutions. Robin Hogan, Senior Scientist at the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), discusses the mission’s potential in exploring the connections between clouds, aerosols, and precipitation.

The interviews also introduce the key individuals involved in the planning and execution of EarthCARE. Dirk Bernaerts, EarthCARE Project Manager at ESA, gives an overview of the mission’s development and the collaboration with JAXA. Kotska Wallace, Mission and Optical Payload Manager at ESA, shares insights into the technical aspects of EarthCARE’s instrumentation and measurements. Tomomi Nio, EarthCARE Mission Manager at JAXA, and Eiichi Tomita, EarthCARE/CPR Project Manager at JAXA, elaborate on Japan’s involvement and contributions to the mission.

Additionally, Ulla Wandinger, Senior Scientist at the Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research, highlights the importance of EarthCARE’s measurements in obtaining accurate aerosol data for climate models. Bjoern Frommknecht, EarthCARE Mission Manager at ESA, concludes the series of interviews by providing a perspective on the mission’s overarching goals and the collective efforts made by ESA and JAXA in making EarthCARE a reality.

As the launch campaign progresses, the EarthCARE team invites everyone to stay updated through their dedicated blog. The blog will provide regular updates on the mission’s progress, offering behind-the-scenes glimpses and insights from the scientists and engineers involved. For those eager to grasp the significance of EarthCARE visually, broadcast quality footage—including animations, interviews, and satellite stock footage—is made accessible to better understand the complexities of this crucial mission.

In conclusion, ESA’s EarthCARE mission represents a significant milestone in our ongoing battle against climate change. By unraveling the intricate relationships between clouds, aerosols, and radiation, EarthCARE will contribute to a more profound understanding of Earth’s climate system. The collaboration between ESA and JAXA underscores the global commitment to scientific cooperation and underscores the urgency of tackling the climate crisis. The EarthCARE launch campaign blog and broadcast quality footage offer a unique opportunity to engage with this groundbreaking mission and witness the essential work being done to protect our planet.