Post-Apocalyptic Horror Story “THE SWARM”

In a post-apocalyptic world ravaged by an undead horde, a lone survivor named Fabian finds himself trapped in a hospital that was once a sanctuary. Years of solitude have left him believing he’s the last living soul on Earth until he encounters two individuals who become the most important people in his life. As the undead swarm closes in, Fabian must summon all his strength and courage to protect himself and his newfound companions. Will he triumph against the relentless onslaught, or will he succumb to the same fate that befell the rest of humanity?

This chilling sci-fi horror narrative, penned by David Shaw and voiced by Thomas Barker, immerses you in a post-apocalyptic nightmare where the line between survival and despair is razor-thin. With haunting visuals by 5ofnovember, “THE SWARM” promises a gripping and unsettling journey through a desolate world where the threat of the undead looms large.