Recovered Hickson and Parker Interview Tapes

Over the years, numerous eyewitnesses have come forward with accounts of the extraordinary events that unfolded on the Pascagoula River in Mississippi on October 11th, 1973. Their testimonies provide invaluable insights and corroboration for the well-documented encounter experienced by Charles Hickson and Calvin Parker.

One such witness, Mr. Charles Anderson, was driving across the bridge overlooking the river when he witnessed the incident firsthand. According to Anderson, he observed a peculiar “blue UFO” hovering near the riverbank, lending credence to Hickson and Parker’s claims.

Another compelling account comes from Mr. Louis Lee, a crane operator who was working on the opposite side of the river that fateful night. As soon as he entered his crane cab, Lee was immediately drawn to an eerie “darn thing” hovering above the water, leaving him perplexed and intrigued.

Perhaps the most astonishing testimony comes from Mr. and Mrs. Blair, who not only witnessed the Hickson/Parker encounter from across the river but also experienced their own alien abduction ordeal. Their corroborating accounts add a chilling layer of authenticity to the events, suggesting that the Pascagoula incident may have been part of a larger phenomenon.

Over the past five years, numerous additional eyewitnesses have stepped forward, each offering unique perspectives and details that collectively paint a vivid picture of the extraordinary occurrences on that October night. Some of these witnesses were initially reluctant to share their experiences but have since come forward, adding invaluable pieces to the puzzle.

  • Mr. Johnson described seeing strange lights in the sky, corroborating reports of UFO activity in the area.
  • Mrs. Roberts, a local resident, reported hearing inexplicable sounds coming from the direction of the river, further substantiating the accounts of Hickson and Parker.
  • Several fishermen and boaters in the vicinity that night also reported witnessing unusual aerial phenomena, lending weight to the broader implications of the Pascagoula incident.

As the search for answers continues, the eyewitness testimonies remain an important aspect of unraveling the mysteries surrounding the Pascagoula encounter. Each account adds another layer of authenticity and urgency to the ongoing investigation, reminding us that the truth behind this extraordinary event may be closer than we ever imagined.

In a remarkable turn of events, a historic discovery has shed new light on the infamous Pascagoula incident of 1973. David Marler, Executive Director of the National UFO Historical Records Center (NUFOHRC) in Albuquerque, New Mexico, stumbled upon a treasure trove of audio recordings within the recently acquired files of the Aerial Phenomena Research Organization (APRO).

Among the recovered tapes were five invaluable audio sequences directly related to the Pascagoula encounter. These recordings hold the potential to unlock long-sought-after details and provide unprecedented insights into one of the most compelling cases of alleged alien abduction in UFO history.

The first recording is a hypnotic regression session conducted by Dr. James Harder on October 14th, 1973, mere days after the incident. In this session, Calvin Parker, one of the two key witnesses, recounts his experience under hypnosis, offering a raw and unfiltered account of the events that transpired on the banks of the Pascagoula River.

The second tape equipped with a interview with Dr. James Harder himself, conducted in the immediate aftermath of the encounter. Harder, a respected researcher, likely shared his insights and observations, providing valuable context to the developing investigation.

The third recording captures an interview with Charles Hickson and Calvin Parker, conducted by Sheriff Fred Diamond. This primary source material offers a rare glimpse into the initial reactions and recollections of the two witnesses, potentially shedding light on crucial details that may have been lost or distorted over time.

In the fourth recording, Dr. J. Allen Hynek, the renowned astrophysicist and former scientific advisor to Project Blue Book, interviews Sheriff Fred Diamond. This exchange promises to unveil Hynek’s perspective on the case, as well as any insights or theories he may have shared with Diamond during the early stages of the investigation.

Perhaps the most intriguing of the recovered tapes is the fifth recording, in which Sheriff Fred Diamond plays a secret recording of Calvin Parker and Charles Hickson for Dr. J. Allen Hynek. This enigmatic audio file holds the tantalizing promise of revealing previously undisclosed information or accounts from the witnesses themselves, potentially shedding new light on the enigmatic events of that fateful night.

The discovery of these historic audio recordings has sent shockwaves through the UFO research community, reigniting interest and speculation surrounding the Pascagoula incident. With the invaluable assistance of David Marler and the NUFOHRC, efforts are underway to enhance the sound quality and meticulously analyze the tapes, ensuring that every detail and nuance is captured and preserved for future study.