Learn about the upcoming Oregon Ghost Conference: A Haunting Exploration

The 2024 Oregon Ghost Conference, set to take place from March 22nd to March 24th at the Seaside Convention Center in Seaside, Oregon, will include discussions on Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP), formerly known as UFOs. This shift in terminology reflects the evolving public understanding of paranormal investigation and the growing interest in exploring unconventional phenomena.

One of the conference’s highlights is a presentation titled “Truth from Many Voices” on Friday, March 22nd

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The Selling of Ken Klippenstein’s Soul

The Selling of Ken Klippenstein’s Soul: A Look into Counter-Intelligence 2023

Title: National Security Reporter Faces Criticism for Discrediting Sworn Testimony on UAPs

In a recent article published in the Intercept, Ken Klippenstein, a national security reporter, has faced backlash for what many are calling a hit piece. The article aimed to discredit David Grusch, who testified in front of a House Sub-Committee on UAPs (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena), challenging the established narrative on the existence of UAPs and hidden Special

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Analyzing and addressing CNN's perspective on UAPs

Analyzing and addressing CNN’s perspective on UAPs

Title: Analysis of CNN’s Perspective on UAPs Reveals Flawed Argument

In a recent editorial on CNN, Jason Colavito expresses skepticism towards the UFO phenomenon and criticizes Congress for being too credulous. However, a closer examination reveals that Colavito’s argument is flawed and misinformed.

Colavito’s editorial begins by questioning the credibility of the author, baselessly suggesting they may be a Russian Cyber-Soldier trying to undermine the July 26th Hearing on

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David Grusch: A Controversial Figure in the UFO/UAP Community

David Grusch: A Controversial Figure in the UFO/UAP Community

David Grusch, a former Air Force captain, has come forward with claims that we have been visited by Non-Human Intelligences (NHIs) from beyond Earth. Grusch, who served as an intelligence officer, has provided whistleblower testimony based on his career in the US Air Force. His claims have been thoroughly vetted by investigative reporters and he has filed a whistleblower complaint under penalty of perjury. While the evidence to support his claims is classified, Grusch arrived at his revelations through his

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The Trinity 1945 UFO Hoax: A Historical Examination

The Trinity 1945 UFO Hoax: A Historical Examination

The Trinity 1945 UFO Hoax: A Historical Examination

A recent article explores the alleged TRINITY UFO Crash Retrieval Case and raises concerns about its credibility and lack of evidence. The investigation, conducted by a former member of the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) and a retired police sergeant, focused on claims made by Paola Harris about noxious weeds planted at the crash site. However, the investigation was limited, and the team was not allowed to examine the claims made by witness Jose Padilla regarding a fragment from the crashed spacecraft.

Plant identification experts examined samples from the alleged crash site and found that the identified plants were common southwest plants, not genetically engineered or deliberately planted. Despite this, Harris disputed the findings and suggested flaws in

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