New Discovery: The Event Horizon Telescope Uncovers Magnetic Fields Enveloping the Central Black Hole of the Milky Way

New Discovery: The Event Horizon Telescope Uncovers Magnetic Fields Enveloping the Central Black Hole of the Milky Way

Astronomers from the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) collaboration have made a groundbreaking discovery regarding the supermassive black hole at the center of our galaxy, Sagittarius A* (Sgr A*). Through their observations of Sgr A* in polarized light, the team has found strong and organized magnetic fields spiraling around the black hole. This finding not only […]

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Study of Black Hole Winds by XMM-Newton Offers Valuable Insights into Interactions between Galaxies and Black Holes

Study of Black Hole Winds by XMM-Newton Offers Valuable Insights into Interactions between Galaxies and Black Holes

Black holes have long captivated scientists and astronomers with their mysterious nature. These incredibly powerful objects, found at the centers of galaxies, possess immense gravitational pulls that can draw in surrounding cosmic material such as gasses, planets, stars, and more. As this material spirals into the black hole, it forms large accretion disks that become […]

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