Webb finds surprising carbon-rich materials around young star

Webb finds surprising carbon-rich materials around young star

Using Webb’s Mid-Infrared Instrument (MIRI), the team investigated the contents of ISO-Chal 147’s disk by observing it in the mid-infrared and collecting spectral data. From this data, they constructed an emission spectrum of light that highlighted the elements and compounds present within the disk. Webb found the disk to contain the richest hydrocarbon chemistry to […]

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Investigating the Galaxies Responsible for the Reionization of the Universe with Hubble and Webb

Investigating the Galaxies Responsible for the Reionization of the Universe with Hubble and Webb

Utilizing the powerful instruments of the James Webb Space Telescope, scientists have made groundbreaking discoveries about the oldest galaxies in the universe. These galaxies, believed to have been formed during the first one billion years of the universe, provide valuable insight into the reionization period when hydrogen gas covered the universe before the first stars […]

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Scientists Use Webb to Detect Carbon Dioxide and Methane in Exoplanet within the Habitable Zone

Scientists Use Webb to Detect Carbon Dioxide and Methane in Exoplanet within the Habitable Zone

Scientists have made a groundbreaking discovery using the James Webb Space Telescope, revealing the presence of carbon-bearing molecules in the atmosphere of exoplanet K2-18 b. This finding has provided valuable insights into the nature of this intriguing exoplanet, which is believed to be a Hycean planet, potentially featuring a hydrogen-rich atmosphere and a water-covered surface. […]

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