Voyager 1 Contacts Earth After Five Months

For the first time in five months, NASA’s Voyager 1 spacecraft is returning usable data about the health and status of its onboard engineering systems. The next step is to enable the spacecraft to begin returning science data again. The probe and its twin, Voyager 2, are the only spacecraft to depart the Solar System and fly in interstellar space.

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The Return of America to the Moon: A Commercial Lunar Lander Initiative

Intuitive Machines, a Houston-based company, has made history by successfully landing their lunar lander, Odysseus, near the South Pole of the Moon. This marks the first time a US spacecraft has landed on the Moon in over 50 years and the first commercially-operated vehicle to reach the lunar surface. The lander utilized a methane-oxygen propulsion system, a first for a space exploration mission. Despite moments of lost communication during descent, a weak signal from Odysseus’

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What You Need to Know about the Recent Congressional UFO Hearings

What You Need to Know about the Recent Congressional UFO Hearings

Recent Congressional UFO hearings have highlighted the negative attitudes towards the topic of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAPs). Both Chris Christy and Kirsten Gillibrand faced dismissive reactions from the audience when discussing encounters with alien creatures. Gillibrand’s mention of UFOs in a speech was met with laughter and derision, indicating a lack of interest in the subject. Furthermore, doubts have been raised about the credibility of Sean Kirkpatrick, who focuses on logistics rather than investigative evidence.

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The Selling of Ken Klippenstein’s Soul

The Selling of Ken Klippenstein’s Soul: A Look into Counter-Intelligence 2023

Title: National Security Reporter Faces Criticism for Discrediting Sworn Testimony on UAPs

In a recent article published in the Intercept, Ken Klippenstein, a national security reporter, has faced backlash for what many are calling a hit piece. The article aimed to discredit David Grusch, who testified in front of a House Sub-Committee on UAPs (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena), challenging the established narrative on the existence of UAPs and hidden Special

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NASA Detects Weak Carrier Signal from Voyager 2

NASA Detects Weak Carrier Signal from Voyager 2

NASA’s Deep Space Network has detected a weak carrier signal from the Voyager 2 probe, just days after losing contact with it. The loss of communication was due to erroneous commands that caused the spacecraft to veer slightly off course. However, this newly detected signal confirms that the probe is still operational and on its intended path. Currently, the signal is too weak to transmit data, but flight controllers plan to send new commands at a higher power level in an effort to reestablish full contact. If this

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