Unveiling Mysteries – A Book Semi-review

The author’s retelling of the Roswell Incident contains a high number of inaccuracies, suggesting a lack of thorough research. In the very first paragraph, she incorrectly refers to Mack Brazel as “Mac Brazel,” failing to acknowledge the well-established fact that his name was Mack, not Mac. The description of the debris field is attributed to […]

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The Selling of Ken Klippenstein’s Soul

The Selling of Ken Klippenstein’s Soul: A Look into Counter-Intelligence 2023

Title: National Security Reporter Faces Criticism for Discrediting Sworn Testimony on UAPs

In a recent article published in the Intercept, Ken Klippenstein, a national security reporter, has faced backlash for what many are calling a hit piece. The article aimed to discredit David Grusch, who testified in front of a House Sub-Committee on UAPs (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena), challenging the established narrative on the existence of UAPs and hidden Special

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Analyzing and addressing CNN's perspective on UAPs

Analyzing and addressing CNN’s perspective on UAPs

Title: Analysis of CNN’s Perspective on UAPs Reveals Flawed Argument

In a recent editorial on CNN, Jason Colavito expresses skepticism towards the UFO phenomenon and criticizes Congress for being too credulous. However, a closer examination reveals that Colavito’s argument is flawed and misinformed.

Colavito’s editorial begins by questioning the credibility of the author, baselessly suggesting they may be a Russian Cyber-Soldier trying to undermine the July 26th Hearing on

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Learn about the experience of meeting Roswell witness Frankie Rowe

Learn about the experience of meeting Roswell witness Frankie Rowe

Title: Roswell Witness Frankie Rowe Reveals Startling Encounter with Extraterrestrial Object

Subtitle: Government’s Ongoing Lie About Roswell UFO Crash Exposed

In a captivating account, Frankie Rowe, a Roswell resident, has shared her unforgettable experience that occurred during the summer of 1947. Visiting her father at the local fire station, little did Frankie know that she would stumble upon a piece of extraordinary metal with otherworldly properties.

Frankie’s story is part of the larger

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