The Commencement of MOON DUST: Insights on AARO’s Role

Intriguing Discoveries: Unraveling the Origins of Project MOON DUST

In the world of UFO research, every piece of information can lead to new revelations. Recently, a deep dive into the archives of AARO (American Association for Research in Open Skies) brought forth an interesting finding about Project MOON DUST – a project that, until now, was believed to have originated in the early 1950s. However, a closer examination of documents related to the Levelland, Texas sightings of November 1957 has shed new light on the true beginnings of MOON DUST.

To provide some context, these findings were unearthed during the investigation for a book titled “The Government UFO Files” by an unidentified researcher. The documents in question were addressed to an Air Force officer who was investigating the escalating series of UFO sightings in Levelland. Overburdened by the increasing workload resulting from numerous reported sightings, the officer had expressed his concerns. The researcher stumbled upon a response to this complaint, which forms the crux of our story.

Contrary to popular belief, it appears that MOON DUST did not start during the Korean War as previously thought. Instead, it was initiated during the Cold War, particularly in response to the Soviet Union’s launch of the first artificial satellites in 1957. The researcher discovered a document within the Blue Book files called Headquarters, U.S. Air Force Message #54322, dated December 23, 1957. This document revealed that MOON DUST was created to “collect and analyze raw intelligence reports from the field on fallen space debris and objects of unknown origin.” The timing of this document around the same period as the Levelland sightings suggests a potential correlation.

Despite the significance of this finding, it is unfortunate that the original document is currently unavailable for verification. The researcher notes that they encountered this message while perusing microfilm records and was unable to secure a hard copy at the time. Various attempts, including Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests, have been made to locate a copy of the message, but so far, success has eluded them.

To further solidify the shift in the timeline, attention was directed toward letters written by Air Force officers in response to inquiries made by U.S. Senator Jeff Bingaman. Colonel George Mattingley, Jr., in his letter, explicitly stated that MOON DUST was assigned to Headquarters, United States Air Force in 1957. This statement corroborates the findings and clarifies that MOON DUST genuinely began amid the Cold War tensions, influenced by the Soviet satellite launches.

The implications of this discovery are far-reaching. It challenges the previously accepted narrative surrounding MOON DUST’s inception and refutes the notion that it originated in response to the Korean War. The AARO report, while comprehensive in many aspects, appears to have overlooked this critical detail in its review of UFO project chronology. One cannot help but question how this oversight occurred and what other aspects may have been missed.

These findings not only provide valuable insights into the history of UFO research but also raise questions about the transparency and accuracy of official government responses to inquiries regarding classified projects. The researcher implies that the Air Force may have intentionally misrepresented their original response regarding MOON DUST to Senator Bingaman. While it’s impossible to definitively assert any malicious intent, it certainly invites speculation as to why certain information may have been hidden or distorted.

As we delve deeper into the world of UFO phenomena and government investigations, it becomes increasingly crucial to critically analyze available information and question the narratives presented. The revelation surrounding MOON DUST’s true origins serves as a reminder that there is always more to discover and that untangling the mysteries surrounding UFOs requires ongoing dedication and tenacity.

Ultimately, these discoveries warrant further investigation and scrutiny. By continuously pushing the boundaries of our understanding and challenging conventional wisdom, we may inch closer to unraveling the truth about UFOs and their enigmatic presence in our skies.