What You Need to Know about the Recent Congressional UFO Hearings

In the world of UAPs (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena), there seems to be a lack of progress and a negative attitude towards the topic. This was evident during the recent Republican debate when Chris Christy was asked about encounters with alien creatures. His poorly formed answer suggests that attitudes towards UAPs have not changed, despite supposedly positive discussions at high government levels.

Kirsten Gillibrand also faced a negative crowd reaction when she mentioned UFOs in a speech. The laughter and derision from the audience indicate a dismissive attitude towards the subject. Perhaps the lack of specific names mentioned by Gillibrand, such as Navy pilots and David Grush, contributed to the negative response. However, the main point to note is the overall negative crowd reaction.

Although Gillibrand seems to believe in the competency of Sean Kirkpatrick and the AARO (Advanced Aerospace Risk Identification Program), there is little evidence to suggest that he is an unbiased source. His focus on logistics rather than investigative evidence raises doubts about his credibility.

Furthermore, Gillibrand’s suggestion that Congress may never uncover the truth about Special Access Programs (SAP) related to UFOs is concerning. Despite claims by Grusch that he knows the names of those involved in these programs and has firsthand witnesses, there has been limited information disclosed. The plan seems to be to prolong the process until public interest wanes or a new administration can put an end to it.

Chris Mellon’s recent statement supports this notion, as he believes there is little chance of further hearings on UFOs by the House Oversight Committee. However, legislation still exists that could potentially declassify UFO information, providing a glimmer of hope for disclosure.

Mike Turner, the Chair of the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, has convinced James Comer, Chair of the House Oversight Committee, that additional hearings could harm the reputation of the Department of Defense (DoD). This suggests that future hearings on the topic may be avoided, which would undoubtedly impact the disclosure of information.

Turner also disregards Grusch’s testimony, despite some members of the committee taking it seriously. Concerns arise from Grusch’s mention of the Italian UFO crash, which appears to be a hoax. This could undermine the support he has recently gained.

It is unclear whether classified briefings have taken place where Grusch named names and provided documentation. If these briefings did occur, the lack of persuasiveness in his testimony and potential problems with the documents could explain the reluctance to support his whistleblower claims.

It’s worth noting that some of Turner’s campaign donors are large Defense and Aerospace organizations, contributing over a hundred thousand dollars. This raises questions about whether these donations influenced Turner’s decisions regarding UFOs, although there are other donors who provided more substantial amounts and are likely not interested in the topic.

Despite the negative outlook on UAPs in the political arena, there is some positive news. Stan Gordon, a prominent UFO investigator since the 1960s, hosts a website called Stan Gordon’s UFO Anomalies Zone. The website covers various paranormal phenomena, including UFO sightings.

One recent sighting reported by an individual in Latrobe, Pennsylvania, described a dark triangular-shaped object with lights at the corners and a red light in the center. The witness estimated the craft to be around one hundred to two hundred feet long and flying at approximately 1500 feet. Notably, the UFO made no noise. The witness attempted to capture video footage but found that it did not record, highlighting a common issue of failed documentation using digital cameras.

Gordon also reported a surge of UFO activity between July 28th and 30th. One witness claimed to have seen a massive triangular-shaped object emitting a bright greenish-orange glow. The UFO hovered before disappearing and reappearing. Interestingly, when the witness attempted to photograph the UFO with a cell phone, the images came out blurred. This suggests the possibility of electronic emissions from the UFO that affect digital cameras, aligning with a high number of reports of UFOs interfering with electronic devices.

While the political landscape may be discouraging for UAP enthusiasts, Stan Gordon’s ongoing research and reporting provide a glimmer of hope for dedicated investigators. His website offers a platform to explore various paranormal phenomena, including UFO sightings. Despite the challenges faced in documenting these encounters, the persistence of researchers like Gordon keeps the discussion alive and encourages further exploration into the mysteries of the unknown.

To learn more about Stan Gordon’s research and explore his website, visit: https://www.stangordon.info/wp/